(This post contains a great piece of advice for:
* single people waiting for their soulmates
*People praying for the right connections in various fields of life)

One day, one of these three things will happen (or it may have already happened) in your life:
1. You will pray that God sends you a special somebody,
2. God will send you a special person to contribute something positive in your life
3. God will send a response to your prayers through a human package.

When that day comes (if it has not happened yet), in order to successfully receive the 'God-sent', you will need these three things (if you lack one of them, you will definitely fail at receiving the 'God-sent'):

1. A merciful character
2.The ability to see the 'God-sent' the same way that God sees them.
But the third one is the most crucial:
3. An attitude that prioritizes God above all.

I will explain it:
You see my friend, mercy is a form of undeserved kindness given to somebody. In my life experience, I have seen many people who tried to create challenges against a God-sent in view to assess whether they were deserving or worthy to be received. In the process of creating those challenges, they made it very hard for the 'God-sent' to bless them.
The Pharisees failed to show mercy to Jesus and they also wanted Him to prove Himself with miracles-signs and doctrinal responses. They wanted Jesus to be deserving of their acceptance.
Many of you are treating 'God-sent' the same way: 'you are setting up challenges and hard tests to the point of making it difficult for a 'God-sent' to bless you.

This explains why so many single people out there can't get married to the person approved by God...
But if you have a merciful character that offers underserved kindness, then the blessing of God through his 'God-sent' will flow speedily in your life.

Secondly, a mark of spiritual maturity is found in the ability to see a 'God-sent' in the same way that God sees them. A mature Christian should see people the same way that God sees them.
Why am I saying this?
You see my friend, in many cases, a 'God-sent' may come in a package you may not like or in an unexpected form...
And this is where many people are failing:
'When a 'God-sent' comes to them, they let their personal views of life and of the world dictate an assessment on the 'God-sent'. For example, they would assess whether they should accept the 'God-sent' based on their cultural views or their financial worth, etc...
But if you decide to look at the 'God-sent' in the same way that God does, then you will succeed in receiving that person.

And finally, in order to successfully receive a 'God-sent' you will need an attitude that prioritizes God and His will above everything and above everybody (I mean it literally).
It is crucial that you keep an attitude that prioritizes God and His will above everything because on the day the 'God-sent' will come, you might be conflicted with several counter arguments discouraging you from opening the door. Those counter arguments may come from friends, family, circumstances or your own personal views of the world. If those counter arguments are more important than God and His will in your life, you will not receive the 'God-sent'. There are people for whom circumstances or the opinions of their friends, colleagues and family are more important than the will of God...For such people, it will be difficult to receive a 'God-sent'.
However, if you have an attitude that prioritizes God and His will above everything, you will overlook your circumstances or the negative consulting advice of your BFFs or family members. With an attitude that prioritizes the will of God, you will easily receive a 'God-sent'.

Here is a bonus point: 'You will not necessarily like a 'God-sent' at first sight. But as you get to know him/her, you will understand why God sent them to you and you will progressively like them.


To all the 'God-sent', this is my message:
'If God sends you somewhere, then go and clearly deliver as God intended you to do. If you are received, then I will celebrate with you.
But if you are not received, then surely God will send you to somebody else or somewhere else. The most important is that you play your part well as a 'God-sent'.

Let us go and let us receive.