
“Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with him who teaches” (Gal. 6:6)

Thank you for taking the time to visit our Donate page. 

Reaching people to far away regions comes at cost. Though the Teachings of this ministry reaches readers freely, it comes at a cost from this ministry.

It may sound surprising, but please know that utilizing the internet, setting up videos, maintaining large email lists, maintaining an online presence in order to spread the teachings of the Bible, all come at a cost.

By donating, you are partaking with us in discipling nations until Jesus returns.

We thank you for your support.

(If you wish to give, kindly follow the instructions below)

Different ways to give:

1. You may give via bank transfer or by making a deposit to the following account:

Maurice Kande,
Bank: Tymebank
Account: 51019282040
Branch code: 678910
Acc. type: Current account
Swift code: CBZAZAJJ

2. If you live in South Africa, you may give via e-wallet to this number: 062 132 1787

3. Via MUKURU  to :

Maurice Kande
Country: South Africa
Phone number:+ 27 62 132 1787

4. Alternatively, please make use of Paypal for paypal or credit cards donations by making use of the button below.